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Our Skin portfolio also includes medical aesthetic treatments performed by Alison, Nurse Prescriber. Treatments can target fine lines, wrinkles, facial profiling, skin optimisation, hair loss and rejuvenation, as well as medical concerns such as excessive sweating.


Dermal Fillers can be used for a variety of treatments, including wrinkle reduction, facial rejuvenation and profiling. Treatment areas can be used to enhance the cheeks, chin and lips as well as treat surface and deep lines on the mid and lower face. We use a range of high quality Hyaluronic Acid fillers from Vivacy and Teoxane. Treatment guidelines show that results last up to 6-9 months but can last longer for some individuals.

​Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Treatment | 60 minutes

1ml | £240 

2ml | £440 

3ml | £600

4ml | £760 


Are you wanting to achieve fuller, natural looking lips with the use of dermal filler? Book an appointment with our Nurse Prescriber for our signature Lip Enhancement treatment.  Each treatment is individual to the client's needs which is why we use a range of high quality Hyaluronic Acid fillers from Teoxane and Vivacy. Treatment guidelines show that results last up to 6-9 months but can last longer for some individuals.

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Up to 1ml | £240 | 45 minutes


Skin Boosters are an intensive skin nourishment and hydration treatment suitable for the face and neck. Using injectable hyaluronic acid we can help you achieve a natural looking glow, whilst improving skin health and density.  A choice of two treatments available: 1.) Teoxane Teosayal Redensity [1) a patented formula of non-cross linked hyaluronic acid, amino acid, antioxidant and vitamin B6. 2.) Vivacy Stylage Hydro/Hydromax a hyaluronic acid is great for deeper lines and wrinkles, bridging the gap between a traditional filler and a skin booster ​ 3 sessions are recommended at 3-week intervals. Maintenance 1 session every 6 months

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Treatment | £160 | 45 minutes


We can remove unwanted blemishes with the use of Electrolysis and Cryotherapy. Treatment can be used on: - Milia - Red Veins/Spider Naevi - Skin tags - Warts/verrucas - Sebaceous Cysts - Seborrheic Keratosis - Cherry angioma - Xanthelasma Electrolysis works by passing a current through a very fine needle to the targeted area, safely removing or reducing the skin blemish. Our cryotherapy treatment is completed using CryoPenâ„¢, an incredible device that safely removes unwanted skin imperfections with the use of nitrous oxide, delivering a pinpoint spray of -127 degrees. Both procedures are quick and typically last from 5 to 25 seconds. Results are permeant and require little to no downtime.

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Small area | £60 | 30 minutes

Large /multiple areas | £80 | 45 minutes


Reduce the appearance of wrinkles with the use of Botulinum Toxin injections. Commonly known as Botox®, there are several areas which this treatment can be used. Once injected, the areas can appear more lifted (brows, corners of the mouth) and wrinkles or lines can appear softer and in some cases may temporarily disappear completely (forehead, frown, crows feet, bunny lines, smokers lines, pebbled chin). We use a range of botulinum toxin brands including Botox®, Azzalure® and Bocouture®. Wrinkle reduction treatment results are not immediate and it can take up to two weeks to see the full result. We like to see you again for a two week review and top up (if required) this is included within the price. Treatment guidelines show that results last up to 3 months but can last longer for some individuals.

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Treatment | 30 minutes

One area | £150 

Two areas | £200

Three areas | £250

Additional areas | £50


Did you know that you can achieve fuller looking lips with the use of Botulinum Toxin (commonly known as Botox®)? Our Gummy Smile treatment uses Botulinum Toxin to help relax the muscle and stop the upper lip from elevating too high above the teeth. This reduces the appearance of a gummy smile and improves the fullness within the top lip. A Lip Flip treatment works in a very similar way but can be used on those who don't show excess gum when smiling. The treatment relaxes the top lip to give the appearance of a fuller lip and can be used as an alternative to filler.  Both treatments can be used in conjunction with a Dermal Filler Lip Enhancement treatment. We use a range of botulinum toxin brands including Botox®, Azzalure® and Bocouture®. Treatment results last up to 3 months but can last longer for some individuals.

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Treatment £150 | 30 minutes

In addition to existing treatment £50


Did you know that Hyaluronic Acid fillers can be dissolved with the use of Hyaluronidase? Once injected, this enzyme will remove your unwanted filler immediately.  Results are visible within 24 hours of treatment and are permeant. Hyaluronidase is designed to break down injectable hyaluronic acid and not your own, natural tissue.

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Small area | £125 | 45 minutes

Large/multiple areas | £175 | 45 minutes


Platelet Rich Plasma is a non-invasive injectable treatment for the skin and hair. The treatment involves taking a blood sample in a specialised tube. The sample is spun at high speed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the blood cells. This is then injected, microneedled or simply placed onto the treatment area.   Platelet Rich Plasma can be used for: - Hair growth and restoration - Under eyes (improving dark circles and fine lines) - Stretch marks - Acne scars - Skin optimisation (improving skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles) A set of 4 sessions with 4-week intervals is advised. Maintenance sessions are advised every 6-9 months

Consultation | Free | 30 minutes

Treatment |£150 | 60 minutes

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What Our Clients Say


"I am so happy with my results so far and grateful to Alison & Anais for their help. We spoke all things general health as well as skincare and they gave great advice on things I’d never considered could affect my skin."
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